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Search results for 'vegetarian'

Summer Bean & Corn Salad

Whether you’re eating at home or headed to a potluck, this tasty salad is sure to please.


Check out Junior Chef Elijah’s instructional video about making hummus!

Simple tomato sauce

Salsa sencilla de tomate

Las hierbas frescas hacen que todo sepa mejor, pero esta salsa también es buena usando hierbas secas. Si está utilizando hierbas frescas, aumente un poco la cantidad. Esta receta la proporciona Lynn Barendsen, un miembro del equipo FDP a quien le gusta ¡servirla con pasta y pollo!



Who doesn’t love breakfast for dinner? If you have frozen blueberries or other frozen fruit, these are great to throw in the batter before cooking. Of course they’re also great topped with fresh berries and whipped cream. Pancakes are just good, period! This recipe comes from the Fannie Farmer Cookbook.

Apple crisp

Apple Crisp

We love serving apple crisp at our Community Dinners, particularly in the fall months! Fruit crisps are super easy and delicious desserts—and you can substitute cherries, pears, peaches, plums or pretty much any other fruit you’ve got in this recipe. This recipe comes to us from the Pennsylvania Nutrition Education Program and the USDA. Find […]

Old fashioned bread pudding

Old Fashioned Bread Pudding

You can actually make this bread pudding in the microwave as well as in the oven! Simply put it in a microwave-safe dish and microwave on high in 5 minute intervals, rotating the dish a 1/4 turn between each interval, until the edges are firm and center is almost set. (You may want to use […]

Cinnamon Yogurt Dip with Fresh Fruit

This cinnamon yogurt dip is delicious and nutritious! It can feed a hungry pack of kids as an appetizer or a dessert. And since it’s so easy, kids can get involved in the preparation. Have the little chefs prepare the fruits, arrange them on a plate, and mix the cinnamon into the yogurt. This recipe […]

Pocket fruit pies

Pocket Fruit Pies

This is a fun recipe to get your kids involved in making! You can use whatever fruit you have on hand: peaches, pears, apples; you name it, it’s delicious! This recipe comes to us from the Kansas State University Cooperative Extension Mission Nutrition program and the USDA. Check out more recipes here.

Curry vegetable dip

Curry Vegetable Dip

Yum! This simple yogurt-based dip is great with fresh veggies, especially on a hot summer day. This recipe comes to us from the USDA Food and Nutrition Service Pyramid Snacks. Find more recipes here.

Chili and Corn Bread

Growing up, Mom worked long hours as a nurse and often did not get home until late. As a result, my sister and I became pretty proficient in the kitchen at a young age, and loved to surprise Mom with dinner when she got home. One of our favorite meals to prepare was a ‘chili […]


Veggie Pasta Sauce

How can you get more vegetables on the table and into your family? Chef Robin does NOT believe in disguising foods (like hiding the spinach in a brownie), but thinks you can add healthy vegetables to foods your family already loves. You can make this delicious pasta sauce using the same base and incorporating different […]



Con tostadas, todos pueden probar los mismos ingredientes, pero cada persona tiene que elegir solo los que prefiera. ¡Perfecto!