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Pulled Pork

This pulled pork recipe was provided by dietitian Clancy Cash Harrison and appears on her site CookingWithClancy.com. You can use the pork in a number of different recipes to make many different meals from one main item!

Pan Fried Pork and Bean Burritos

This recipe is from our friend Clancy Harrison, dietitian and writer at CookingWithClancy.com. Make her pulled pork recipe in advance to make this a fast and easy meal for a busy night.

Tips for Saving and Storing Thanksgiving Leftovers

Get great tips for saving and storing Thanksgiving leftovers, including fridge and freezer guidelines, courtesy of our friends at GoodCook!

Real Family Dinner Projects: Partnering with MGH Revere

The Family Dinner Project and the MGH Revere Food Pantry have been partnering on a new plant-based Dinner in a Box initiative.

Benefits of Family Dinners

Our belief in the “magic” of family dinners is grounded in research on the physical, mental and emotional benefits of regular family meals. Over three decades of research have shown that regular family meals offer a wide variety of physical, social-emotional and academic benefits. While some of these benefits can be gained through other activities, eating […]

Dinner with Toddlers: Yay! Or Nay?

Dinner with toddlers is notoriously challenging. But we’ve got advice to help you out with this tricky stage, plus reasons why eating with your toddler is good for their development!

Dinner with Kids Who Fidget

Dinner with kids who fidget can be frustrating for everyone. Here’s how to set up neurodivergent kids for success at the table.

Sensory Sensitivities at Family Dinner

Sensory sensitivities at family dinner can make meals a challenge. Here’s how to help kids with sensory processing difficulties.

Autism, ADHD, and Learning Differences at Family Meals

Autism, ADHD, and learning differences can cause challenges at family meals. We’ve got expert help to improve dinnertime for everyone.

Humming Bee Breathing

Humming bee breathing is a fun way to teach younger children to use calming breaths! Try starting your next family dinner with “bee breaths.”

Real Family Dinner Projects: The Uchida-Wood Family

Meet the Uchida-Wood family, a family of four (soon to be five) who are tackling everything from cooking skills to tough topics with their preschoolers.

5 Christmas Movie Dinner Scenes That Need Expert Help

These 5 Christmas movie dinner scenes are classics, but they could use some expert help from The Family Dinner Project to make them merrier!