It’s a funny thing, but when you ask most adults we know what they want most this holiday season, they’re hard-pressed to come up with anything to put on their wish lists. Sure, we all make jokes like “a nap” or “a clean house” or “a vacation to Tahiti,” but when it comes right down to it, once you reach a certain age the gift-giving of the season is really for the kids. What adults are looking for, if we’re honest, is more of the intangible stuff: More time together, more memories, more peace.
The trouble with the gift-giving mindset is that it too often means that we either feel like we have to set our own desires aside in order to give to others, or that we wait and hope that someone else will see what we really want and make it happen for us. But why not change things up and give yourself the gifts you really want this year?
This December, we challenge all the stressed-out, overcommitted adults out there to give themselves the gifts of time, connection and peace (or at least, relative peace — let’s not kid ourselves that those 2-year-old twins are suddenly going to become quiet, well-behaved model citizens). Here’s how to engage the whole family in giving you the quality time you deserve this year.
This month, we’re talking to the McLaughlin family, who share their thoughts on how — and why — they’ve prioritized daily family dinners despite the challenges.
Real Family Dinner Projects: The McLaughlin Family »
Take the night off and put the kids in charge of making English Muffin Pizzas for dinner!
English Muffin Pizzas »
Try one of our Top 10 ideas to make family dinner special during the holiday season.
Get everyone in the giving spirit with this Recipe for Conversation!
2025 The Family Dinner Project