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Conversation of the Week

Three Strikes and You’re Out

Posted on: abril 30th, 2013 by Amy

Should kindergartners do detention for being late?

Basket Case: Considering the Rutgers Scandal

Posted on: abril 17th, 2013 by Larry

As the spring sports season heats up, some conversation about coaching

Sign of the Times: What’s a Parent to Do?

Posted on: abril 2nd, 2013 by Larry

Should parents be using public shaming as punishment?

Addressing Steubenville

Posted on: marzo 26th, 2013 by John

Some resources for meaningful conversation

On the Presidential Menu: Healthy Dialogue

Posted on: marzo 19th, 2013 by Amy

An example of how simply talking and truly listening can bridge differences

When Bullying Turns Deadly

Posted on: marzo 9th, 2013 by Larry

A tragic bullying incident raises important questions

Television: The Great Influencer?

Posted on: febrero 22nd, 2013 by Larry

Does TV impact how we behave? We offer some questions to get your family talking.

Caring Hands

Talking About Caring & Kindness

Posted on: febrero 11th, 2013 by Allissa

On a daily basis, how do you show your family and community that you care?

Duct Tape Dilemma

Posted on: febrero 5th, 2013 by Amy

Should a middle school teacher lose her job for posting a picture of her students on Facebook?


Where Kindness is King

Posted on: enero 29th, 2013 by Amy

Three students surprise a beloved classmate with the homecoming crown. We offer questions on kindness and difference.

A Hero’s Fall from Grace

Posted on: enero 22nd, 2013 by Amy

Lance Armstrong’s confession sparks questions about winning, cheating, lying and forgiveness.

Should Celebrities Think Twice About the Products They Endorse?

Posted on: enero 10th, 2013 by Charlotte

A columnist has criticized Beyonce for endorsing Pepsi. Do you agree?