#FamilyDinnerForward and the Food Revolution

On May 15, the Jamie Oliver Food Foundation will celebrate Food Revolution Day, an annual event championing better food and nutrition awareness, education, and access for all. This year, the Food Revolution is fighting for food education for every child, and The Family Dinner Project is joining in to lend our support.
We believe that learning about food and becoming comfortable with cooking skills from an early age can help lead to more high-quality family dinners lifelong, and that the opportunities for conversation and connection around both cooking and sharing a meal can be a gateway to realizing all of the many benefits of family dinners. In particular, the act of cooking together with a loved one and sharing stories and memories during that time can help to make shared mealtimes meaningful and valuable for all.
In recognition of Food Revolution Day, we invite all families to participate in a special #familydinnerforward campaign about the shared experiences that can be had in the kitchen:
- Between May 1 and May 15, identify one person in your life – child or adult, family member or community member – with whom you’d like to cook and share a memory.
- Teach that person a special recipe and share with them the story of why it’s important to you. Where did it come from? Who taught you to make it? Is there a special memory related to this recipe?
- Take photos of your time together and share with us on Twitter or Instagram with the hashtag #familydinnerforward, along with a few words about the experience: “Sharing Grandma’s meatballs with the 3rd generation!” or “Just told him the story of my 1st recipe fail!”
- We’ll choose two winners at random to win a Family Dinner Project gift basket, filled with resources and small gifts to encourage you to spend more time cooking and talking together.
We can’t wait to see your photos and hear your stories!
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