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Holiday hosting can be fun, but also stressful! From planning the menu for the big day to managing all the little details, there are a lot of things to manage. We worked with our friends at GoodCook to get some of their insider secrets for stress-free hosting this holiday season: Easy, delicious and unique side dish ideas, simple make-ahead breakfast or brunch recipes, and top tips for storing leftovers for optimal safety and flavor.

Talking About: Gender Roles

This Women’s History Month, talk about gender roles and equity with your family using our featured conversation starters.

Real Family Dinner Projects: The Barnhart Family

Overwhelmed by a busy schedule and caring for a child with special needs, Meg Barnhart turned to the slow cooker to make family dinners happen.

Research Shows Family Dinner Improves Literacy

Many years of research show that family dinner improves literacy skills in young kids. We break down the studies and give families ideas to use at meals.

Family Breakfast #12: Baked French Toast and a Drawing Game

Enjoy a family breakfast with make-ahead baked french toast with apples and cheddar cheese, a team drawing game and conversation about gratitude.

Family Breakfast #11: Overnight Oats and a Math Game

This family breakfast gets everyone ready to learn for the day with overnight oats packed with peanut butter and bananas, plus a classic math game.

Chicken souvlaki

Family Picnic #12: Chicken Souvlaki and Ice Cream Dance Party

Enjoy an end-of-summer family picnic with easy chicken souvlaki, conversation starters about transitions, and an ice cream recipe that’s also a dance party!

Family Breakfast #10: PBJ Pancakes and Would You Rather?

Enjoy a fun family breakfast with gluten-and-dairy-free oven pancakes, a game of Would You Rather and questions about learning and growth.