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May-Feature mother and son

May’s Menu: Honoring Our Mothers and Soldiers

  Need an interesting conversation starter for the table this month? Ask your family what May’s two major holidays—Mother’s Day and Memorial Day—have in common. While the obvious answer is that they both start with the letter M, there’s a deeper connection you may not know about. According to this History.com article, what we refer […]

School Chef Offers Good Advice for Picky Eaters

“Suddenly I have a kid who likes salad, fresh herbs and deftly mincing garlic…”

Not Your Average Valentine’s Day Ideas

Trying to come up with something different to do with your family on Valentine’s Day?

Co-Founder Dr. Anne Fishel on Mom Enough Radio

Our co-founder talks family dinners and creative strategies for food, fun and conversation with the Mom Enough audience.

You Can Hate to Cook and Still Love Family Dinner

Food may get us to the table, but is it the most important part of family dinner?

How to Beat Tension and Conflict from Your Family Dinner

Six simple insights into common dinner table conflicts, and how to tame them for good.

Pulled Pork

This pulled pork recipe was provided by dietitian Clancy Cash Harrison and appears on her site CookingWithClancy.com. You can use the pork in a number of different recipes to make many different meals from one main item!

Pan Fried Pork and Bean Burritos

This recipe is from our friend Clancy Harrison, dietitian and writer at CookingWithClancy.com. Make her pulled pork recipe in advance to make this a fast and easy meal for a busy night.

Tips for Saving and Storing Thanksgiving Leftovers

Get great tips for saving and storing Thanksgiving leftovers, including fridge and freezer guidelines, courtesy of our friends at GoodCook!

Would You Rather…?

Would you rather…live in the future or in the past? Check out our questions and add some crazy ones of your own!

Rose and Thorn

This is an FDP favorite: Go around the table and ask each person to share the rose (the best or most special part of their day), and the thorn (the most difficult part of their day). This can be a great way to get around the dreaded one-word answers when you ask, “How was your […]

Cat and Cow

One person at the table is the “leader.” The leader says either “Cat” or “Cow.” When the leader says “Cat,” the others meow. When the leader says “Cow,” the others moo. Keep saying “Cat” and “Cow,” faster and faster, switching back and forth and making the pattern more and more random until somebody “moos” when […]