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Newsletter: August 2016

Back-to-School Success Strategies

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Back-to-School Success Strategies


With the flip of another calendar page, it’s that time again. In some places, kids are headed back to class in just a week or two, while others will wait until after Labor Day; but either way, parents are planning.

Among the top stress points that families name when asked what keeps them away from the table is school-year schedules. But does dinner really have to be moved to the back burner (ha, ha) for two-thirds of the year?

Fortunately, the answer is no — or at least, not completely. While there’s always the chance that some evenings will really be so jam-packed that gathering the whole family for a meal is next to impossible, for most of us, it truly is possible to keep shared meals on the calendar. Here are some of our best tips to help you prepare for back-to-school meals:

This month, we’re featuring Jamie Bero and her fiance, Dr. Chadrick Browder. Jamie and Chadrick won our first-ever 21 Family Dinners Challenge for West Virginia residents, logging an impressive 58 family dinners in 60 days using our Dinner Tonight tracker. Despite busy professional and personal schedules, they manage to make dinner together a top priority.

Learn more about Jamie and Chadrick’s dinnertime strategies »


Luca’s Pancetta Pasta

In the month of August, we’re asking some kids and teens we know: “What back-to-school dinners make you smile?” This quick and tasty pasta was 14-year-old Luca’s choice!

Luca’s Pancetta Pasta  »


This Star Won’t Go Out Origami Star Messages

August 3rd is Esther Day, a day devoted to celebrating love. We’re spreading the word along with our friends at This Star Won’t Go Out and the Harry Potter Alliance. Celebrate Esther Day with this origami star activity!

This Star Won’t Go Out Origami Star Messages »


With back-to-school comes the old “how was your day” routine. Get Dr. Anne Fishel’s best conversation tips to help your family get beyond “fine!”

How to Avoid One Word Answers »


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