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Sample Follow-Up Email

Copy and paste the content below into your email!

THANK YOU! Dear [insert name here],

Thank you for attending our recent Community Dinner event! We hope you enjoyed the time we spent together, along with the food, fun and conversation, and that you were able to take home some ideas to add a little spice to your family mealtimes.

It can take some effort to work new plans into everyday life, but we’re here to support you in making family dinners happen more! Don’t worry about trying to make it perfect or trying to do everything at once. Remember: just making a couple manageable changes can make a huge difference.

For more support and resources to make your family dinners the best they can be, connect with [Organization name] and The Family Dinner Project (TFDP) online! Connect with The Family Dinner Project online using the links below:

Subscribe to their monthly newsletter;
Get your free membership to “Dinner Tonight,” TFDP’s daily helping of food, fun and conversation with extra features and a personal dinner tracker;
Sign up for the 4-week program to improve your mealtimes;
Follow The Family Dinner Project on Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest;

Contact us to find out how your family can be a featured as a “Family of the Month!” on The Family Dinner Project’s website. We look forward to hearing how your family dinners go!

Happy food, fun and conversation,
[insert signature here]

TFDP Theme Dinners
Benefits of Family Dinner