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Search results for 'POKER tips'

How to Avoid One-Word Answers

  I don’t know about you, but when I come home from a long day at work, I like to change my clothes, grab a handful of almonds (or cookies if it’s been a particularly challenging day) and curl up with the newspaper. I’d rather not answer a whole lot of questions until I’ve had […]

Crispy oven baked chicken

Pollo crujiente horneado

¡¿Quién necesita nuggets de pollo?! Esta receta también funciona con pescado blanco y nos llega por el USDA Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion (CNPP)’s Recipes and Tips for Healthy, Thrifty Meals (2000). Esta es una comida divertida que pueden preparar los chicos, dado que pueden moler las hojuelas de maíz y cubrir el pollo con ellas. […]

From Lunch Table to Family Table: Creating A Utopian World

Gordon College mentors & 6th graders from the KIPP Academy create a perfect world together

What’s on the Menu for June? Transition.

  As the school year winds down, children’s excitement for the freedom of summer often winds up. Your child might be waiting with enthusiasm for that final bell to ring and then, when it finally does, he or she is suddenly sad. All transitions are hard but the school-to-summer one can sometimes take kids and […]

Summer’s Last Course: Carpe Diem!

Ah, August. The summer’s final hurrah. This month is like the last course of a succulent meal—an experience you want to slow down and savor for as long as possible. But just how to do this? Here we offer five tips for helping you make the most of these last weeks of summer with your […]

Summer’s Last Course: Carpe Diem!

Ah, August. The summer’s final hurrah. This month is like the last course of a succulent meal—an experience you want to slow down and savor for as long as possible. But just how to do this? Here we offer five tips for helping you make the most of these last weeks of summer with your […]


The supplies your kids really need for school (no pencils required)

Just like all transitions, the back-to-school season can stir up many different emotions for kids. With new teachers, new classes, new schedules, and more, it’s no wonder our kids may feel a little stressed out. While you’re likely well stocked on the notebooks and pencils, a child’s confidence and coping skills might be in short […]


Initiating Deeper Conversations

As we all know, the problem of one-word answers after a long day isn’t exclusive to kids.

Meeting the Needs of Military Families

Serving up a community dinner for those who serve our country


Five Gifts that keep on Giving

Happy holidays! Let’s keep the giving spirit that started with Thanksgiving and #GivingTuesday going all through December. The materialistic hoopla of the holiday season can sometimes make us forget what’s really important—and what makes us truly happy. An abundance of research has proven that more than our possessions, it’s our experiences that bring us enduring […]

Answering Real Moms’ Family Dinner Questions

We help real families with their dinner dilemmas: toddler transitions, clean plates, rewards, and more.

The Family Dinner Project: Your Holiday Conversation Experts!

FDP is providing expert advice to help add meaning and connection to the Thanksgiving table.