For many of us, June is a busy time of celebrations and transitions. With the school year winding down, graduations taking place and Father’s Day fast approaching, there’s so much to do, say and share this month that it can be a challenge to slow down and appreciate each moment.
But as always, the family dinner table can be a refuge from the rush. We hope you’ll find a few moments (or more than a few!) throughout the month to gather together, share a meal, and reflect.
Here are some of the things we’ve been reflecting on at The Family Dinner Project lately:
Not that we needed any more convincing about the power of bringing people together around the table, but this family from our partner organization, the Community YMCA in Red Bank, NJ, does an amazing job explaining how family dinner nights at the Y have had a positive impact on their household.
Bringing Families Together at the Community YMCA
Grab a tissue or two: in this guest blog from our archives, author Julia Agrito shares the story of how dinnertime helped her bond with her dad after the loss of her mother.
Feeding the Bond: A Father-Daughter Story
Have a kid or two leaving the nest this summer? Bob Stains shares his experiences transitioning from a hands-on dinner table dad, to an empty-nest father…who’s still very much needed, loved, and a part of his kids’ lives.
Fathering After the Kids Leave
On June 16, 2015 at 8 p.m. EST, The Family Dinner Project will be hosting a Twitter chat on the topic of Dads at the Dinner Table, along with special co-hosts including the MGH Fatherhood Project. Join in using the hashtag #dinnerdads, and watch our site for more information as the chat approaches!
As Dr. Ray Levy, Director of the Fatherhood Project, says: “Fathers’ presence and emotional
engagement is associated with better emotional, social, behavioral and
academic outcomes in children.” Research also shows benefits in these same areas when kids have regular family dinners, so combining engaged dads and the dinner table packs a lot of power!
“Behind every worthwhile human achievement, big or small, there is, at least, one small act of kindness.” –Forrest Whitaker
“You’ve got to trust in yourself and know what your internal passion is and that’s what’ll drive you to success.” –Steve Wozniak
Each year, speakers at high schools and colleges across the country share their most important life lessons with the assembled graduates. Our friends at The Good Project make an annual tradition of compiling their favorite commencement speech moments, which are fantastic fodder for dinner conversations! Check out the links below from past years for some inspiration to spice up your next mealtime chat.
What do Deval Patrick, Forest Whitaker, and Shonda Rhimes have to say about making an impact on the world? And why shouldn’t you spend time dreaming of being Toni Morrison?
2014 Commencement Speech Roundup
Julie Andrews doubted herself. Does that seem incredible? Maybe…but it’s true, and as Oprah Winfrey would point out, it’s all part of the common denominator of the human experience. 2013 Commencement Speech Roundup
There’s a lot more to dads and grads than just barbecue food! Executive Director Lynn Barendsen shares the recipe and story behind her father-in-law Vito’s family-famous turkey chili. More»
Last month, we shared printable placecards to make Mother’s Day a bit more memorable. This month, it’s Dad’s turn to shine, so we’ve got DIY printable placemats and card to help capture the spirit of your Father’s Day celebrations.
Spark a lively conversation this month with one of our most popular Conversation of the Week posts, like this one about MVP awards in sports.
See more Conversations of the Week >>
2025 The Family Dinner Project