Make a quick and easy weeknight shrimp fried rice recipe from Dr. Kristin Saxena — perfect for busy evenings!
Make a quick and easy weeknight shrimp fried rice recipe from Dr. Kristin Saxena — perfect for busy evenings!
This recipe comes to us from our friends at Edible Pioneer Valley, where they note that heating the herbs in the olive oil extends their flavor. If you need to make this dish even quicker, you can skip that step and drizzle the oil on the fish and sprinkle evenly with herbs, but the flavor […]
During late summer, a variety of flowers is available and can contribute to a delicious dish. Marigolds and cucumber flowers will make a lighter and more fragrant plate, while thyme flowers and mustard flowers will be spicier and more herbaceous. This dish is great over quinoa or amaranth. This recipe comes to us from Geoff Lukas of […]
The FDP team was lucky enough to meet Registered Dietitian Jen Haugen on a recent trip to Minnesota. She has partnered with Mower Refreshed to become a family dinner champion in her community and we couldn’t be more excited to have her on The Family Dinner Project Team! This Lemony Walnut-Crusted Fish Fillets Recipe is a […]
¡Recuerde su infancia con estas delicias de atún fundidas! La receta original del atún fundido requiere queso Americano procesado, pero puede emplear cualquier tipo (cheddar, suizo, provolone, todos son buenos). Esta receta nos llega por The Texas A&M University System’s Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program.
Bluefish, though not a pretty fish, is harvested in New England in the summer, and is relatively inexpensive at about $9 for a pound and a half.
The Family Dinner Project tiene su base en Boston, ¡por lo que debemos incluir una receta de sopa de pescado, al estilo Nueva Inglaterra! (Esta receta fue vuelta a publicar de Los chefs jóvenes pueden ayudar a pelar las papas, a lavar las zanahorias y el apio o a agregar algunos condimentos para añadir […]
¡Un pescado horneado condimentado que vaya bien con couscous o arroz integral! Esta receta nos llega del Montana State University Extension Nutrition Education Program. Pida a su joven ayudante de cocina que lo ayude a lavar los vegetales, a limpiar la parte de arriba de las latas o a preparar el acompañamiento, como el couscous.
Fish tacos are all the rage right now on the West Coast. Bring a little flavor to your kitchen with this recipe, which comes to us from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention via the USDA recipe finder. Check out some more recipes here. You can pick and choose what to add to your […]
El pescado es una alternativa saludable a otras carnes y esta receta funciona con casi cualquier pescado firme blanco que consiga. Esta receta nos llega del Departamento de Salud de los Estados Unidos y del Human Services National Institutes of Health. Haga que su joven chef ayude triturando las hojuelas de maíz con un rodillo […]
Esta receta a toda prueba es un gran alternativa para esas noches cuando usted no tiene tiempo de ir a la tienda. Esta receta requiere ziti, pero fácilmente puede cambiarla por su pasta favorita. Esta receta fue proporcionada por Ramona Hamblin. Busque más de sus recetas en su recetario: just cook here’s how.