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Food For Thought

You Can Hate to Cook and Still Love Family Dinner

Posted on: febrero 4th, 2016 by Anne Fishel, Ph.D

Food may get us to the table, but is it the most important part of family dinner?

Expert Roundtable: The Psychological Benefits of Thanksgiving Dinner

Posted on: noviembre 25th, 2015 by Bri DeRosa

Dr. Anne FIshel is joined by 3 other experts to discuss the meaning of Thanksgiving rituals for modern families.

Want Your Kids to Be Better Readers? Have Dinner Together

Posted on: septiembre 28th, 2015 by Anne Fishel, Ph.D

The dinner table is a perfect place to encourage reading in kids of all ages.

Talking Trash at the Table

Posted on: abril 15th, 2015 by Bri DeRosa

Dr. Anne Fishel offers expert advice on helping your family understand the impact of wasted food on the planet.

Family Dinners are Great for the Body and the Soul

Posted on: marzo 5th, 2015 by Anne Fishel, Ph.D

The First Lady is a fan of family dinners, but is her enthusiasm backed by science?

It’s Science: Eat Dinner Together

Posted on: enero 27th, 2015 by Anne Fishel, Ph.D

As a family therapist, I often want to tell my patients that research shows they’d be better off eating dinner together than spending an hour with me.

How to Avoid One Word Answers

Posted on: julio 18th, 2014 by Anne Fishel, Ph.D

Dr. Anne Fishel offers suggestions on how to encourage kids to open up about their days.

Nurturing “Stewards of the Planet”

Posted on: abril 22nd, 2014 by Anne Fishel, Ph.D

Dr. Anne Fishel addresses the why and how of raising environmentally conscious kids

Managing Food Allergies at the Dinner Table

Posted on: febrero 4th, 2014 by Jen Haugen, RD

Jen Haugen, RD, LD, offers tips for meal planning after a new food allergy or celiac diagnosis

Do as I say, not as I TXT: Does Tech have a Place at the Table?

Posted on: diciembre 17th, 2013 by Anne Fishel, Ph.D

What’s your stance on tech at the table? Here, Drs. Anne Fishel and Tristan Gorrindo offer their ideas

May I be Excused, Please?

Posted on: septiembre 9th, 2013 by Abigail Carroll

Guest blogger Abigail Carroll on the origins of table manners

Making the Most of Dinner with Adolescents

Posted on: junio 11th, 2013 by Anne Fishel, Ph.D

Dr. Anne Fishel offers tips for getting teenagers more engaged in family dinner