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Join FDP and Points of Light for a Day of Service

pointsoflightEach year, Points of Light brings together people and organizations from across the country to celebrate Martin Luther King Day as a national day of service. The “America’s Sunday Supper” program encourages people to host meals in their homes and communities to discuss topics related to Dr. King’s goals of unity and peace, and to turn those discussions into actions that make a difference. The Family Dinner Project is proud to partner with Points of Light in bringing awareness to their 2015 campaign.

We’ve always believed that family dinners are about much more than the simple act of eating together. That’s why we provide conversation starters and tips for families of all kinds to help them make their time at the table together more meaningful and rewarding. It’s also why we created the #familydinnerforward campaign, which encourages families to use their mealtimes as an opportunity to give to others. Being a part of America’s Sunday Supper is a wonderful way to extend our efforts and reach out to others who are doing important work in helping shape families’ dialogues about topics that really matter.

Join us (@FDP_Tweets) and the Points of Light team (@PointsofLight) on Tuesday, January 13, 2015 at noon Eastern time for a Twitter chat about America’s Sunday Supper, the MLK Day of Service, and how you can continue to pay your #familydinnerforward not only on MLK Day, but throughout the year. We’ll be joined by noted bloggers and influencers and will be giving away three signed copies of the new book Home for Dinner, written by FDP co-founder Dr. Anne Fishel. To follow the chat, use the hashtags #familydinnerforward and #MLKDay2015. We look forward to sharing ideas about making our family dinners part of America’s Sunday Supper!

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