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Holiday hosting can be fun, but also stressful! From planning the menu for the big day to managing all the little details, there are a lot of things to manage. We worked with our friends at GoodCook to get some of their insider secrets for stress-free hosting this holiday season: Easy, delicious and unique side dish ideas, simple make-ahead breakfast or brunch recipes, and top tips for storing leftovers for optimal safety and flavor.

Real Family Dinner Projects: The Lorenz Family

From scheduling Sunday dinners to creating silly snacks, learn the Lorenz family’s tips and tricks for fitting in family dinners around sports season.

Real Family Dinner Projects: The Budheges Family

The creator of Crate Your Phone and her family share their strategies for preserving face-to-face connection at family dinner, even on busy evenings.

Real Family Dinner Projects: The Donner Family

A family of five from Lincoln, Nebraska shares their struggles with picky eating, along with tips for getting everyone involved in dinner prep and cleanup.

Real Family Dinner Projects: The Jourden Family

A young family shares how they’re working on developing healthy eating habits, a love of togetherness and better conversations at the dinner table.

Real Family Dinner Projects: The Anderson Family

A busy family with two young children shares how they make dinnertime fun and engaging for their kindergartener in a world of distractions.

Real Family Dinner Projects: The McLaughlin Family

Busy parents Mark and Janeth McLaughlin make family dinner a priority in their home. Here they share their thoughts on building gratitude and togetherness at the table.

Tech, Talk and Turkey

Addiction counselor Michelle Nogueira shares her observations about quality family time, along with some tech do’s and don’ts for the holidays.