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The Couch Conundrum
11 years ago
Imagine purchasing a used couch at a Salvation Store for $20, and finding it stuffed with envelopes of money worth more than $40,000! That’s exactly what happened to three roommates in New Paltz, New York, who were then faced with the choice of whether to keep or return the money to its owner. Read the full story here and choose from the questions below to spark a conversation:
What would you do if this happened to you?
Would you return the money or keep it? Why?
In the story, the roommates imagine what they would do with the money if they kept it. One boy says he would buy his mom a new car. What would you do with the money if you kept it?
Why do you think they decided to return the money?
Have you ever found money or something valuable that didn’t belong to you? What did you do?
Have you ever lost something valuable to you? What was it and what happened?
Has anyone ever returned something important to you that you thought was lost? How did that make you feel?