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Posted on: March 19th, 2012 by Larry

Michael Bell, Jr. is certainly at a crossroads. The Miami area seventh grader’s father, Michael Bell, Sr., made him stand on a busy street corner wearing a sandwich board explaining that he had flunked math, civics and language arts.

The sign even asked passing drivers to honk their horns if there is something wrong with him failing three classes. How embarrassing! Read more here.

Michael’s father said that he had run out of ideas to help his son do better. Only time will tell if this stunt will make a difference. All one can say for sure is that it gave both Michaels a bit of television fame.

  • What lesson do you think Michael Jr. will take away from this experience?
  • Michael Sr. tried this stunt as a “last resort” – we don’t know what other things he may have tried to help his son do better in school. Do you think their time could have been better spent?
  • How important are grades? Are they a true reflection of learning?
  • Do you think embarrassment motivates people to change their behavior? Why or why not?