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The Boys of Summer

Posted on: August 29th, 2014 by Bri DeRosa

baseballLast week, the Little League World Series generated a lot of excitement for sports fans and families, especially in Cumberland, Rhode Island. The Cumberland Little League team represented New England in the series, but lost in an elimination round to a team from Chicago. The team’s coach, Dave Belisle, then gave his players an on-field pep talk that was captured by ESPN cameras and quickly went viral.

Watch the coach’s heartwarming speech with your family, then use some of the suggestions below to start a conversation about it.

The coach talks about pride in his speech. What does “pride” mean to you? Can you talk about a time you felt proud of something you did?

Have you ever worked your hardest at something, yet not reached your goal, or found that things turned out in a way you didn’t expect? What happened?

Coach Belisle praised his players for being “sportsmen” and for playing “the right way.” Whether it’s in baseball or in any other activity, what do you think are some ways you can show sportsmanship?

The coach makes a point of talking with the team about love, friendship and unity. Do you think going through a tough time with a friend can make you better friends? Can you give an example from your own life?