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How My Kids Learned Grit From a Dinner Disaster

Posted on: February 27th, 2019 by Bri DeRosa

Would you turn your elementary schoolers loose to cook dinner on their own? Read one mom’s story of how she did just that, and taught her kids grit in the process.

Building Healthy Relationships at the Table

Posted on: February 4th, 2019 by Bri DeRosa

Get our top tips for using the family dinner table as an opportunity to teach kids of all ages, especially teens and tweens, about healthy relationships.

Real Family Dinner Projects: The North Family

Posted on: February 4th, 2019 by Bri DeRosa

Meet the North Family! Due to this family’s special circumstances, we’re publishing their story with all names and identifying details changed so that we can help them adhere to strict privacy guidelines related to their foster-to-adopt journey. We hope their insights into the unique challenges and joys of sharing family dinner with their three children […]