21 year old Courtney Knight shares The Family Dinner Project message in her work
21 year old Courtney Knight shares The Family Dinner Project message in her work
Dr. Anne Fishel offers suggestions on how to encourage kids to open up about their days.
When it comes to family dinner, sometimes it’s one step up, two steps back
If you were free to do anything you wanted all day, what would you do?
Why do we celebrate the 4th of July? What is your favorite part of the holiday?
What do you think about rules? Do you think they’re important? What are some rules you have in your home or at school?
Do you think you have too much freedom, or not enough?
Do you feel free to be yourself?
Talk about a person you admire, famous or otherwise, who has fought or fights for the freedom of others.
“Freedom lies in being bold,” said poet Robert Frost. Talk about a time you were bold.
What political freedoms have you witnessed come to fruition in your lifetime?