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Family Dinners with My Non-Traditional Family

Posted on: October 29th, 2012 by Grace

Grace and her housemates transform their kitchen into a cozy haven while whipping up veggie burritos.

Iron Chef: Family Edition

Posted on: October 17th, 2012 by Robin

Here’s an idea for a slow-paced weekend night, when hanging out in the kitchen suits everyone’s mood…

Chatting with the Washington Post About Taking the Stress Out of Family Dinners

Posted on: October 12th, 2012 by Allissa

Our own Dr. Anne Fishel talks about taking the stress out of family dinners in this excellent Washington Post piece. Read on for some great tips!

Simple, Healthy Snacks

Posted on: October 10th, 2012 by Robin

Chef Robin offers ideas for yummy, healthy snacks, including Waldorf Salad and GORP!

Making Pizza: A Common Ground for Finicky Eaters

Posted on: October 2nd, 2012 by Louise

It wasn’t until last year that I realized how enjoyable the act of making pizza could be…