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FDP Joins Martha’s Table for One Pot Suppers

onepotlogocorrectThe Family Dinner Project is delighted and honored to be a part of this year’s One Pot Supper campaign with Martha’s Table, an organization that has worked to increase access to education, food and opportunity for vulnerable children, families and neighbors in the District of Columbia for over 35 years.

Martha’s Table believes that everyone deserves a healthy meal every day; The Family Dinner Project seeks to make these meals as meaningful as possible. We’re pleased to be able to offer our resources around food, fun and conversation about things that matter to the Martha’s Table community through their One Pot Supper event on October 25, 2015. The purpose of the event is to gather people around many tables on one evening to discuss hunger in the District of Columbia and to fund Martha’s Table’s efforts to support neighbors, families, and their community.

In support of Martha’s Table and the One Pot Supper event, The Family Dinner Project will be rolling out special conversation starters, games and other materials to help families connect meaningfully around the issue of hunger and how it affects our communities and the world at large. We invite you to join us: Learn more about the One Pot Supper event and bring the conversation about hunger to your table by connecting with FDP on Facebook and Twitter. We’ll be sharing lots of helpful resources for families.

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