FDP in the News
The Benefits of Family Dinner (and 5 Easy Ways to Make it a Priority)
by Susan B. Noyes
June 16, 2017
Eat Together: Have a Healthier Family
by Helen Lammers-Helps
March 3, 2017
How Family Dinners Improve Overall Health (VIDEO)
February 2, 2017
Why Family Dinners are so Important
by Lauren Vespoli
April 11, 2016
Are Picky Eaters Born or Made?
The Boston Globe
by Alyssa Giacobbe
February 24, 2016
The Costs of Inequality
The Harvard Gazette
by Corydon Ireland
February 15, 2016
Ways to Bring the Family Together for Dinner
by Meredith Cunningham
February 3, 2016
Taking the Stress Out of Family Dinners
The Takeaway/National Public Radio
by John Hockenberry
January 28, 2016
Food for Thought: Family Dinner Project Encourages Better Quality of Life, Choices
The Recorder
by Richie Davis
December 7, 2015
10 Healthy Ways to Give Back this Holiday Season
Boston Magazine
by Jamie Ducharme
December 1, 2015
Five Myths About Family Dinner
The Washington Post
by Anne Fishel
November 25, 2015
The Family Dinner Project is Trying to Spread the Benefit of Family Meals
Boston Magazine
by Jamie Ducharme
November 24, 2015
Expert Roundtable: The Psychological Benefits of Thanksgiving DinnerThe Conversation
by Barbara Friese, Anne Fishel, Bill Doherty and Janine Roberts
November 24, 2015
Study Says Eating as a Family is Healthier than Eating Alone
The Boston Globe
by Ami Albernaz
November 23, 2015
Anne Fishel, Home for Dinner
Live Happy Podcast/Livehappy.com
November 20, 2015
How to Raise a Voracious Reader
Usable Knowledge
by Bari Walsh
November 9, 2015
Dinnertime Storytelling Makes Kids Voracious Readers
The Conversation
by Anne Fishel
September 15, 2016
This school year, my kids and I will eat better
The Providence Journal
by Carrie Simonelli
August 31, 2015
The Brood: The state of the family dinner
Take Two/KPCC National Public Radio
by Charlotte Duren
August 25, 2015
Meal-Delivery Start-Ups Take Aim at Your Dinner
The New York Times
by Nick Bilton
August 18, 2015
Cooking, Enjoying Family Dinners Feeds a Range of Benefits
By Kellie B. Gormley
March 17, 2015
Why You Should Let Your Kids Play with Their Food
By Dr. Anne Fishel
January 27, 2015
Schools Invite Kids to Stay for Supper
by Emily Scheie
January 20, 2015
Book Review for Home for Dinner: Mixing Food, Fun and Conversation
Seattle Post Intelligencer/Seattlepi.com
January 14, 2015
Five Ways to Make Eating Dinner Together as a Family a Regular Ritual
JNJParents (Johnson & Johnson)
January 12, 2015
The Most Important Thing You Can Do with Your Kids? Eat Dinner with Them
By Dr. Anne Fishel
The Washington Post
January 12, 2015
Science Says: Eat with Your Kids
by Dr. Anne Fishel
The Conversation
January 9, 2015
Book Review: ‘Home for Dinner’: An Impossible Dream?
by David M. Kinchen
January 7, 2015
Eight Reasons to Sit Down Together as Family
By Dr. Anne Fishel
January 7, 2015
Get Family Talking at Mealtime
by Heidi Stevens
The Chicago Tribune
January 6, 2015
Review of Dr. Anne Fishel’s book Home for Dinner
Giving Tuesday: A Day of Generosity
by Christopher Smart
The Salt Lake Tribune
November 30, 2014
Instead of Therapy, Put a Little Thanksgiving into Regular Family Dinners
By Anne Fishel
WBUR’s CommonHealth
November 27, 2014
Raising a Generous Child
by Bari Walsh
Usable Knowledge/Harvard Graduate School of Education
November 12, 2014
Family Meals & Good Attitudes: The Key to Healthy Kids
The Stir.com
October 23, 2014
The Home-cooked Family Dinner: Yes, it’s a burden for mom but is it worthwhile?
by Diana Reese
The Washington Post online
September 8, 2014
Ms. Reese examines the latest debate around family dinners sparked by a research study out of North Carolina University.
Another Positive Effect of Eating Together as a Family
by Liz Klima
The Blaze.com
September 2, 2014
«According to the Family Dinner Project, other positives that come with eating family meals include lower rates of eating disorders and teen pregnancy as well as higher GPAs and self-esteem.
The Most Important Meal of the Day: Family Dinner
by Katie Kelly Bell
August 11, 2014
«So many times I just want the train to slow down so I can catch up, but it won’t. And yet, there is dinner. It is the life raft; the one time all day when we slow down and simply share food together…»
Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner Have Given Way to the ‘Snackification’ of America
By Jason Best
TakePart.com/Free Range Column
July 4, 2014
«Gathering to eat is about more than just the food…»
Them Bones, Them Bones
by Alissa Lindsey
The Oklahoma Gazette
May 21, 2014
National Osteoporosis Awareness and Prevention Month can be year round and family dinners can be part of building healthy kids and healthy families.
The Importance of the Table
by Kristen Howerton
May 10, 2014
The Wretched Table: How Dinner in America Became an Ordeal
by Britt Peterson
Pacific Standard
April 30, 2014
Is Family Dinner a Priority in Your Family?
The Parents Perspective: The blog by the staff of Parents Magazine and Parents.com
April 15, 2014
Reviews the benefits and the research around family dinners and links to The Family Dinner Project website for our «Fun conversation topics, games and activities.»
Do Family Dinners Really Help Your Kids?
By Craig and Mark Kielburger, Co-Founders, Free the Children
HuffPost Living, Canada
February 19, 2014
The authors examine the research behind the benefits of family dinners and highlight The Family Dinner Project website for helpful resources.
5 Ways Causes and Companies Got Together for the Big Game
By Bob McKinnon
Fast Company
February 3, 2014
The Family Breakfast Project is highlighted as an example of how good business and good causes can successfully go hand in hand.
Super Bowl Ads go Healthy: Selling Yogurt with a Steamy Kiss
by Allison Aubrey
NPR’s The Salt
January 31, 2014
Featuring an overview of The Family Breakfast Project, our partnership with Cheerios to help make breakfast easier, more fun and more meaningful for families.
14 Healthy & Happy Habits for 2014
by Catherine Newman
The Charlotte Observer (via FamilyFun Magazine)
January 9, 2014
Thanksgiving Should Inspire More Family Dinners Throughout the Year
by Brendan McLaughlin
ABC ActionNews Tampa
November 26, 2013
A good overview on the benefits of family dinners with a mention of our Food, Fun and Conversation: 4 weeks to Better Family Dinners program, and a fun video clip to boot.
In Defense of Family Dinners Throughout the Year
by Norman B
Life Elsewhere Radio
November 25, 2013
Radio personality Norman B interviews FDP Director John Sarrouf about the importance of family dinners, not just at Thanksgiving but year-round! John’s interview begins about 3 minutes into the podcast.
Giving Tuesday Movement Seeks to Rival Black Friday, Cyber Monday
by Emmilie Buchanan-Whitlock
The Deseret News National Edition
November 22, 2013
The Family Dinner Project’s contribution to #GivingTuesday and the importance of talking about charity with children is highlighted.
Thanksgiving = Thanks + Giving
By Shelly London, FDP founder
Huffington Post
November 21, 2013
Shelly writes about The Family Dinner Project’s efforts to spark conversations about giving at Thanksgiving tables across the country.
The Family Dinner Project’s Involvement in #GivingTuesday on The Street
By Carlton Wilkinson
The Street
November 15, 2013
#GivingTuesday is a campaign to make the Tuesday after Thanksgiving a national day of giving. Reporter Carlton Wilkinson talks about the many ways non-profits are getting involved in #GivingTuesday, highlighting The Family Dinner Project’s mission to spark a national conversation about giving at the family dinner table.
Skip the Screens: Eat Dinner Old-School
By Megan Kaplan
October 2013
Reporter Megan Kaplan interviews Dr. Anne Fishel about making the commitment, dealing with picky eaters and the importance of sitting down with your family.
Fitting in Family Meals
September 2013
ABC News KaalTV.com, Minnesota
Dietitian Jen Haugen, RD of HyVee Supermarket in Austin, Minnesota talks family dinner with ABC News. Jen shows us how easy it is to adapt The Family Dinner Project’s Food, Fun & Conversation: 4 Weeks to Better Family Dinners to suit your needs, and provides a tasty dietitian-approved chicken tender recipe as well!
WGBH Discusses The Science of Happy Families
By Amanda McGowan and Kara Miller
July 12, 2013
WGBHNews.Org/Innovation Hub
Reporter Edgar Herwick interviews John Sarrouf about family dinners in a piece about Bruce Feiler’s book, The Science of Happy Families. Listen to find out how family dinner can contribute to your own family’s happiness!
Taking the Stress Out of Family Dinners
By Mari-Jane Williams
The Washington Post
October 10, 2012
Dr Anne Fishel contributes ideas for reducing tension at the table to The Washington Post. “If the dinner table is too much about criticizing and evaluating and educating and critiquing, it can really take the fun out of the whole experience, and that kind of mood tends to shut things down,” Fishel said.
Family Dinner: Can you teach a Tradition?
By Meredith Bennett-Smith
The Christian Science Monitor Weekly
June 24, 2012
The Family Dinner Project’s first Community Dinner Series in Lynn, MA is profiled in The Christian Science Monitor Weekly. Reporter Meredith Bennett-Smith describes the event and interviews Director John Sarrouf about The Family Dinner Project’s work in communities.
‘Ask the Expert’ Discusses the Many Benefits of Family Dinner
By Margie R Skeer
May 22, 2012
Assistant professor Margie R Skeer from Tufts’ Department of Public Health and Community Medicine answers the question: Does eating meals together as a family help steer kids away from risky behaviors? Turns out it’s what happens at the table that matters most, rather than the meals themselves.
Better Homes & Gardens Features The Family Dinner Project
Better Homes & Gardens
April 2012
«The Meal Deal» explains that eating regular family dinner is important, and The Family Dinner Project can help.
The Boston Globe Profiles The Family Dinner Project
By Erica Noonan
The Boston Globe
September 22, 2011
Reporter Erica Noonan gives readers an in-depth look at The Family Dinner Project. Speaking with Director John Sarrouf, Founder Shelly London, and one of the original project families, Noonan examines the scientific benefits and daily challenges of family dinners.
Inside Higher Ed Discusses Community Dinners at Southern Vermont College
By Doug Lederman
Inside Higher Ed
August 30, 2011
How can colleges help students create meaningful connections to their communities? One solution is to hold Community Dinners, which pair current college students with families and teenagers looking for advice on the college experience. Inside Higher Ed explores how The Family Dinner Project and Southern Vermont College have partnered to create a series of remarkable Community Dinner events.
WBUR’s Public Radio Kitchen Blog Talks to Family Dinner Expert Dr. Anne Fishel
By Sue McCrory, Public Radio Kitchen Blog
90.9, Boston’s NPR News Station
July 30, 2011
Dr. Anne Fishel chats with Boston’s NPR station about the importance of family dinners. Dr. Fishel is a regular presence on our website, providing helpful dinnertime tips on her Food for Thought blog. When sharing advice, Dr. Fishel draws on her experience as an Associate Clinical Professor of Psychology at Harvard Medical School, the Director of the Family and Couples Therapy Program at Mass General Hospital, and a mother of two.
KYW Newsradio Reports on The Family Dinner Project
Reported By Dr. Marciene Mattleman
KYW Newsradio
May 24, 2011
Philadelphia’s news radio station reports on the success of The Family Dinner Project’s pilot program, which helped 15 diverse families improve their dinner habits over a 4-month period. The report also discusses The Family Dinner Project’s current work and ambitious future plans.
Family Meals with ParentsCanada.com
By Anne Bokma
November, 2010
In an age of working parents, over-scheduled kids, and numerous electronic distractions, finding time to have family dinner can feel daunting. But it doesn’t have to be! Talking with ParentsCanada.com, Dr. Anne Fishel offers some practical advice on how to have more frequent — and more meaningful — family dinners together.