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Cooking With Kids: Dill Soup & Homemade Bread

After reading “Stone Soup,” more than 20 kids whipped up delicious dill soup. Click through for recipes!

Should Celebrities Think Twice About the Products They Endorse?

A columnist has criticized Beyonce for endorsing Pepsi. Do you agree?

Kick Off the New Year with Healthy Tacos

Start 2013 on a fun note with these healthy, DIY tacos!

Cooking Up New Traditions with Edible Gifts

Guest blogger Joe offers ideas for delicious homemade gifts, and chats about creating fresh family traditions.

Helpings Kids Eat Healthy This Holiday Season

This holiday season you can celebrate, enjoy the food and still remain healthy. Here are some suggestions that I have used with my younger cousins in order to get them eating better

Sandy Hook

Processing Tragedy with Our Children

Resources for talking with your family about the Newtown Tragedy

Talking About Giving

These age-appropriate conversation ideas will get your kids thinking (and talking!) about giving.