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A Most Valuable Dinner Conversation

The basketball MVP debate raises thoughtful questions

Making the Impossible Possible: “That’s what we Do.”

Two young men at George Mason University invent a new kind of fire extinguisher

What an Imperfect Dinner Moment can Hold

“So here I was on this tired evening, my expectations low and in the realm of poop…”

The Newest Nobel

A teacher from Maine becomes the first person in history to win an international education award.

Cultivating Patience: 4 Tips for Military Families

Use your family dinner time to help the whole family stay patient while a loved one is deployed.

Crowdsourcing Kindness

A story of body shaming, cyberbullying and the incredible kindness of strangers

Four Tips for a More Mindful Mealtime

Guest blogger Deborah Sosin, MSW, on slowing down and enjoying your meals