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Feeding Falsehoods

Are parents accidentally discouraging honesty through common family dinner practices? We might be hearing — and telling — more “white lies” than we think!

The First 100 Days

As a new American President gets ready to take office, talk about the significance of the first 100 days with your family.

Talking About Goals for the Future

Get your family talking about goals for the future with these thoughtful, low-pressure conversation starters for ages 8 and up!

Real Family Dinner Projects: The Lewis Family

Writer Debi Lewis and her family have experienced navigating family dinner with medical needs, as well as dealing with busy teen schedules.

5 Christmas Movie Dinner Scenes That Need Expert Help

These 5 Christmas movie dinner scenes are classics, but they could use some expert help from The Family Dinner Project to make them merrier!

Image describing age-appropriate family dinner chores for kids

Age-Appropriate Family Dinner Chores for Kids

Get the whole family helping at mealtimes with our printable list of age-appropriate family dinner chores for kids from 2-18 (and beyond)!

Real Family Dinner Projects: Grandparents Raising Grandchildren

Grandparents raising grandchildren face unique challenges at family dinner. Our nonprofit community programs have helped bridge the generational divide.