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German Stir-Fry

Posted on: junio 3rd, 2013 by The Family Dinner Project Team

Shocked by how easily it came together and just how tasty it was, German bratwurst stir-fry quickly became a household staple. 

Bluefish roasted vegetables

Bluefish with Roasted Vegetables

Posted on: mayo 29th, 2013 by The Family Dinner Project Team

Bluefish, though not a pretty fish, is harvested in New England in the summer, and is relatively inexpensive at about $9 for a pound and a half.

Curry vegetable dip

Curry Vegetable Dip

Posted on: mayo 29th, 2013 by The Family Dinner Project Team

Yum! This simple yogurt-based dip is great with fresh veggies, especially on a hot summer day. This recipe comes to us from the USDA Food and Nutrition Service Pyramid Snacks. Find more recipes here.

Simple tomato sauce

Salsa sencilla de tomate

Posted on: mayo 28th, 2013 by The Family Dinner Project Team

Las hierbas frescas hacen que todo sepa mejor, pero esta salsa también es buena usando hierbas secas. Si está utilizando hierbas frescas, aumente un poco la cantidad. Esta receta la proporciona Lynn Barendsen, un miembro del equipo FDP a quien le gusta ¡servirla con pasta y pollo!

Fish chowder

Sopa de pescado

Posted on: mayo 20th, 2013 by The Family Dinner Project Team

The Family Dinner Project tiene su base en Boston, ¡por lo que debemos incluir una receta de sopa de pescado, al estilo Nueva Inglaterra! (Esta receta fue vuelta a publicar de Food.com). Los chefs jóvenes pueden ayudar a pelar las papas, a lavar las zanahorias y el apio o a agregar algunos condimentos para añadir […]

Spicy Baked Fish

Pescado horneado condimentado

Posted on: mayo 20th, 2013 by The Family Dinner Project Team

¡Un pescado horneado condimentado que vaya bien con couscous o arroz integral! Esta receta nos llega del Montana State University Extension Nutrition Education Program. Pida a su joven ayudante de cocina que lo ayude a lavar los vegetales, a limpiar la parte de arriba de las latas o a preparar el acompañamiento, como el couscous.

Baked chicken with vegetables

Baked Chicken with Vegetables

Posted on: mayo 20th, 2013 by The Family Dinner Project Team

Get your junior chefs involved in scrubbing the vegetables, measuring and mixing water and spices, or whipping up a whole grain side dish like brown rice or couscous. If you like, add olives and/or 3 quartered tomatoes to this dish. This baked chicken recipe comes to us from the University of Wisconsin Cooperative Extension Service […]

20 min chic creole

Pollo Criollo

Posted on: mayo 20th, 2013 by The Family Dinner Project Team

Esta deliciosa receta nos llega del Oregon State University Cooperative Extension Service via the USDA recipe finder. Esta receta tiene un costo de preparación de solo $6.26 (¡eso es $0.78 porporción!). El chef Robin tiene grandiosas ideas para que involucre a su joven chef para preparar esta comida: lavar las tapas de las latas, cocinar la pasta […]

Summer Bean & Corn Salad

Posted on: mayo 17th, 2013 by The Family Dinner Project Team

Whether you’re eating at home or headed to a potluck, this tasty salad is sure to please.

tuscan bread soup

Tuscan Bread Soup Recipe

Posted on: mayo 17th, 2013 by Anne Fishel, Ph.D

A simple, homey dish, Tuscan Bread Soup Recipe is perfect for a cold winter night.

Easy lasagna

Easy Lasagna

Posted on: mayo 17th, 2013 by The Family Dinner Project Team

This lasagna is a staff favorite for our Community Dinner Series because it’s so easy to make for a crowd! You can make a really basic dish by skipping the garlic, spinach and fresh basil or go the whole nine yards. Lasagna is a good meal to make ahead and freeze for a busy night […]

Caprese Sandwich

Caprese Sandwich

Posted on: mayo 17th, 2013 by The Family Dinner Project Team

Some days, turning the oven or stovetop on is just too much–especially on hot summer days. Enter delicious, nutritious options like this Caprese Sandwich! Sandwiches are truly build-your-own meals, as it is extremely easy to leave out one ingredient or add another. As is, this sandwich includes protein, dairy, vegetable and a grain! That’s a […]