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Family Blog

Talking to Kids About Tragedy

Posted on: junio 2nd, 2022 by Bri DeRosa

When bad things happen in the world, how can you talk about it with your family? Our tips for talking with all ages.

Real Family Dinner Projects: The Lewis Family

Posted on: enero 6th, 2020 by Bri DeRosa

Writer Debi Lewis and her family have experienced navigating family dinner with medical needs, as well as dealing with busy teen schedules.

Real Family Dinner Projects: The Begay Family

Posted on: noviembre 1st, 2019 by Bri DeRosa

The Begay family, members of tribal communities in Montana, share how they honor traditions at their family dinners while working towards healthier meals.

Real Family Dinner Projects: The Sigler Family

Posted on: mayo 29th, 2019 by Bri DeRosa

A family of four from Ohio shares how they’re constantly adapting to each new age and stage to make family dinner — and laughter — central in their lives.

Real Family Dinner Projects: The Sterenberg Family

Posted on: abril 3rd, 2019 by Bri DeRosa

A family of five from Ohio is juggling a full plate of priorities and finding ways to make room for family dinner, when they can focus on each other.

Real Family Dinner Projects: The Trip Family

Posted on: marzo 5th, 2019 by Bri DeRosa

A family of five from The Netherlands explains how giving their kids control in the kitchen has made family dinners more enjoyable for everyone.

How My Kids Learned Grit From a Dinner Disaster

Posted on: febrero 27th, 2019 by Bri DeRosa

Would you turn your elementary schoolers loose to cook dinner on their own? Read one mom’s story of how she did just that, and taught her kids grit in the process.

Real Family Dinner Projects: The North Family

Posted on: febrero 4th, 2019 by Bri DeRosa

Disculpa, pero esta entrada está disponible sólo en English.

Real Family Dinner Projects: The Buck Family

Posted on: diciembre 5th, 2018 by Bri DeRosa

Disculpa, pero esta entrada está disponible sólo en English.

Real Family Dinner Projects: The Khan Family

Posted on: octubre 1st, 2018 by Bri DeRosa

A family from the UK shares the dinner table ideas that keep their family close and their energetic toddlers happy during family mealtimes.

Real Family Dinner Projects: The Denoy Family

Posted on: septiembre 4th, 2018 by Bri DeRosa

A busy family from Texas shares how they prioritize sit-down family dinners, despite a long list of extracurricular activities and a full schedule.

Real Family Dinner Projects: The Aaser Family

Posted on: agosto 1st, 2018 by Bri DeRosa

An extended family from Minnesota shares how cancer helped them to create a positive family dinner ritual that brings them closer every day.