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Real Family Dinner Projects: The Wansleben Family

Posted on: octubre 30th, 2020 by Bri DeRosa

Christine Wansleben and her 13-year-old twins are reinventing Thanksgiving during COVID with a uniquely 2020 twist on holiday traditions.

Rethinking Thanksgiving During COVID

Posted on: octubre 28th, 2020 by Anne Fishel, Ph.D

Dr. Anne Fishel is rethinking how to celebrate Thanksgiving during COVID, and sharing expert tips to help families mark the holiday.

Standing Up: Soccer Players Defend a Teammate

Posted on: octubre 15th, 2020 by Bri DeRosa

Talk about standing up for others with conversation starters about the Loyal soccer team defending their teammate with a surprising gesture.

Family Dinner Has Changed with the Times

Posted on: octubre 1st, 2020 by Bri DeRosa

COVID-19 wasn’t what anyone expected. Family life has changed, and family dinners have changed with the times, too. Here’s how.