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Real Family Dinner Projects: The Bublitz Family

Posted on: junio 29th, 2016 by Bri DeRosa

A military family shares their challenges and triumphs in having family dinners with two very young children.

Citizens of the World

Posted on: junio 24th, 2016 by Bri DeRosa

Recent events make us wonder about the nature of independence and civic responsibility.

Parent Engagement Webinar with Families in Schools

Posted on: junio 20th, 2016 by Bri DeRosa

Check out our webinar on Parent Engagement and Digital Literacy with Families in Schools!

Tweeting Normandy

Posted on: junio 6th, 2016 by Bri DeRosa

History comes alive in a unique social media project.

Sharing a Meal at Hanscom Air Force Base

Posted on: junio 6th, 2016 by Bri DeRosa

Images and highlights from our most recent dinner with Blue Star Families.

TFDP at the AAFCS Annual Conference

Posted on: junio 3rd, 2016 by Bri DeRosa

Join us in Bellevue, WA June 22-25 for the AAFCS Annual Conference, “Improving the Health and Well-Being of a Changing Society.”

Relaxing at Family Dinner

Relaxing at Family Dinner

Posted on: junio 1st, 2016 by Jono

For many families, summertime means less structured time. Without the schedules and routines that often govern family life during the school year, these next few months can bring a sort of relief and a lot more “white space” on the calendar. The shift from school-year schedules to summertime can be both an advantage and a […]