Conversation Links
The Public Conversations Project (PCP) has been helping people have constructive conversations on hot topics for the past 20 years. For ideas on how to keep having good conversations if the going gets rough, check out the Resources section of PCP’s website.
Facing History and Ourselves has created the Choosing to Participate initiative to spark conversation about the importance of participation in our community, nation and world. The website contains stories and resources. For example, your family can read the following story together and talk about it as a family.
Dr. William J. Doherty is an expert on family time and family rituals. As an advisor on Barilla’s Share the Table initiative, he offers insight into the American family dinner.
The Family Education website has articles and advice about starting dinner conversation with kids.
Stouffer’s has some conversation starters to get your family talking at the dinner table.
Here’s some advice and ideas for dads who want to have dinner conversations with their kids.