Why are custodians/janitors important in schools? What do they do?
How did it make “Mr. Steve” feel to have kids run after him and ask for his autograph? Have you ever done something that you knew made someone feel good?
Does it matter what a person does for work? Why or why not?
In the article the principal says, “The students count on Mr. Steve to be there when they need him…they are comfortable asking for his help.” Other than your friends, who are you comfortable asking for help at school?
Who do you consider a “Rock Star” at your school or in your world? Why?
If you could have any job at your school, what would it be?
Who or what will you miss most this summer when school is out?
In the AOL story, Mr. Steve is quoted as saying he felt humbled by this experience. What does it mean to feel humbled? Have you ever felt that way?
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