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Ages 14-100 Thoughts & Opinions – 27

Posted on: February 12th, 2014 by Amy

One of the Beatles’ most famous songs is “All You Need is Love.” Do you think that’s true? What other necessities might you throw in there?

Ages 8-13 Thoughts & Opinions-30

Posted on: February 12th, 2014 by Amy

Do you have a favorite love story? Is it from a book, movie or real life? Talk about it.  

Ages 8-13 Connections & Friendships – 28

Posted on: February 12th, 2014 by Amy

Who or what exemplifies the meaning of “love” to you?

Ages 8-13 Thoughts & Opinions – 29

Posted on: February 12th, 2014 by Amy

Do you find it easy to say I love you, or hard? Are there times when it’s harder than others?

Age 2-7 Connection & Friendships – 37

Posted on: February 12th, 2014 by Amy

What makes you feel loved?

Age 2-7 Connections & Friendships -36

Posted on: February 12th, 2014 by Amy

Name five people you love most in the world, and why (animals are OK too).

2-7 thoughts & opinions-33

Posted on: January 21st, 2014 by Grace

What personality traits did you get from each of your parents? (ie patient like dad, friendly like mom, etc.)

14-100 Interview-25

Posted on: December 13th, 2013 by Jono

What traditions or rituals do you practice in your life right now?

14-100 Interview-24

Posted on: December 13th, 2013 by Jono

What was your favorite tradition when you were a child? Have you passed that down to future generations? Will you?

14-100 Thoughts&Opinions-26

Posted on: December 13th, 2013 by Jono

“I’m content to stand on tradition. I’m even more content to wipe my feet on it,” said author Aaron Allston. What do you think he means? Have you ever felt that way?

8-13 Imagination -26

Posted on: December 13th, 2013 by Jono

Create a brand new holiday along with new traditions for the world. Describe the what, when, why and how.

8-13 Interview-26

Posted on: December 13th, 2013 by Jono

Have you ever participated in a tradition from a culture other than your own? What was it? How did you like it?