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Time to Stop the Styrofoam

Posted on: July 21st, 2014 by Amy

dunkin-donuts-petitionA group of fourth and fifth graders from the Park School in Brookline, Massachusetts, are challenging the mega-chain Dunkin’ Donuts to stop using their signature styrofoam cups in stores. Last Friday the kids were invited to a meeting with the executives at the chain’s corporate headquarters in Canton, Massachusetts, arriving with their Change.org petition of 270,000 signatures.


Read the full story together and then use the following questions to spark a discussion with your family:


What do you think about what these kids are doing? Do you think it’s important? Why?

What are some other ways we can help save the environment? Do you do anything in your home or school already to make a difference?

What does the phrase ‘reduce, reuse, recycle’ mean to you?

If you could start your own club and petition to change something, what cause or causes might you take on?

Ted Wells, the advisor who worked with the children in the story, says, “The kids really spearheaded this project, giving up their recess hour and weekends to work on this project…” Have you ever done something similar? What was it? If not, would you?

Do you ever feel like there are things that stand in the way of being able to work towards change?  Are there people you could ask for help to overcome those obstacles?  Who?