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FDP in the News

Center for Families Celebrates 30th Anniversary One Family Dinner Table at a Time Purdue University by Rebecca Hoffa April 1, 2024 Episode 213: Home For Dinner (PODCAST) Tip of the Tongue Podcast January 29, 2024 Boosting Your Body Image and Eating Habits (PODCAST) Imperfect Love with Dr. Carla Manly January 12, 2024 What’s the Best […]

Family Dinner References

  Interested in learning more about the benefits of family dinner? Check out these resources: Barton, A.W., Nrody, G.H., Yu, T., Kogan, S.M., Chen, E., Erhlich, K.B. (2019). The profundity of the everyday: Family routines in adolescence predict development in young adulthood. Journal of Adolescent Health, 64(3): 340-346. Berge, J.M, Wall, M., Hsueh, T.F., Fulkerson, […]

Privacy Policy

What information do we collect? We collect information from you when you register on our site, respond to a survey or fill out a form. When registering on our site, as appropriate, you may be asked to enter your: name, email address, mailing address or phone number. You may, however, visit our site anonymously. What […]

Cómo evitar respuestas cortas

Yo no sé ustedes, pero cuando llego a casa después de un largo día de trabajo, me gusta cambiarme de ropa, tomar un puñado de almendras (o galletas si ha sido un día particularmente difícil) y acurrucarme con el periódico. Prefiero no responder a un montón de preguntas hasta que haya tenido la oportunidad de […]

Operation Family Dinner

A military family takes on a family dinner challenge. Read how it went!

Helpings Kids Eat Healthy This Holiday Season

This holiday season you can celebrate, enjoy the food and still remain healthy. Here are some suggestions that I have used with my younger cousins in order to get them eating better

Cooking and Musing with Alton

Guest Blogger Brian Fies on Alton Brown, easy bake ovens and why we should teach our children to cook

Consejos para reducir la tensión en la Mesa

¿A quién no le encanta la idea de la cena como un tiempo para relajarse, descansar y disfrutar de la compañía de su amada familia? Sin embargo, a pesar de este deseo, la tensión a menudo puede desafiar a la hora de comer en paz. Por ejemplo, después de correr a casa del trabajo para […]


by Anne Fishel, Ph.D Dr. Anne K. Fishel is the Executive Director and co-founder of The Family Dinner Project and a clinical psychologist, teacher, author, and family therapist. She is an Associate Clinical Professor of Psychology at Harvard Medical School and Director of the Family and Couples Therapy Program at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston. […]

Four Tips for a More Mindful Mealtime

Guest blogger Deborah Sosin, MSW, on slowing down and enjoying your meals

Everyone Wants Quick and Easy, but You Can’t Always Get What You Want

Chef Deb Ponzek shares her cooking philosophy (and a delicious frittata recipe)

Sopas simples

La sopa es una gran manera de ahorrar tiempo y dinero a la vez que mejorar su dieta con vegetales. Se puede preparar con anticipación y con frecuencia tiene un sabor tan bueno (si no mejor) en el segundo o tercer día con la mezcla sabores. Sopas constantemente hacer grandes sobras de las comidas en […]