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New Book Brings The Family Dinner Project to Military Special Operations Families

Posted on: July 24th, 2023 by Bri DeRosa

The new book “The Warrior’s Table” brings The Family Dinner Project to Military Special Operations families.

Real Family Dinner Projects: The Lehman Family

Posted on: July 24th, 2023 by Bri DeRosa

The Lehman Family is a military family juggling five kids, frequent moves, picky eating and a mission to help other families like theirs.

Family Dinner After Divorce

Posted on: July 1st, 2023 by Bri DeRosa

“I can’t get them to eat anything else…and it doesn’t help that their mother just lets them have whatever they want when they’re at her house!” That was one of the frustrated outbursts from a family member of mine, many years ago, talking about his two young kids and their very limited diet. He faithfully […]