Try our tips to help your family make giving to others a habit that lasts throughout the year.
Try our tips to help your family make giving to others a habit that lasts throughout the year.
Where’s the most unusual place you’ve ever celebrated a holiday? And more conversation starters
A fantastic team of bloggers rallies around family dinner for our #familydinnerforward campaign.
Tell a story about a “first” experience (e.g. first memory, first movie, first trophy, first kiss, etc.)
Recall an experience that changed your mind about something, or helped you see the world or someone differently. What happened?
Choose a situation from a book or a movie that you would like to find yourself in, such as visiting Narnia, playing Quidditch at Hogwarts or ___. Explain why you chose what you did.
What was the best vacation you ever had? Or the best you can imagine?
Talk about a time you tried something new. What was it? What happened?
If you could go anywhere in the world (or out of this world) where would you go? What would you do there?
What’s one new activity you’d like to try but are scared to try? Why are you scared?