If you could invent a machine to do something in your life, what would that machine do?
If you could invent a machine to do something in your life, what would that machine do?
If you wrote a newspaper article about your day, what would the headline be?
If you could stay up all night, what would you do?
What would happen if the sun was always shining and it never rained?
If you were a fruit, what fruit would you be? Why?
If you could redecorate your room, what color would you paint the walls? What posters or pictures would you hang?
If you could be any character from any book you’ve read, what character would you be? Why?
If you assigned each emotion a color, what colors would represent which emotions?
If you joined the circus, what would your circus act be?
Invent a superhero who protects something you care about. What is s/he fighting for? How does s/he create change? (example: Captain Planet)
If you could give one present to the world, what would it be?
What Earth traditions would you bring to a new space colony? What are some traditions you would definitely leave behind? Why?