The Family Dinner Project

Teen to Teen: Make Time for Family Dinners

feet-349687_1920This post was written by FCCLA National Vice President of Public Relations — and high school student — Lauren Cole. We asked Lauren what her best advice was to other teens who might be interested in improving their family dinners at home. Here are her thoughts.

Family dinners. It’s not something we see or hear of very often nowadays. Parents and teens alike have busy schedules that often interfere with meal time. From club meetings, sports practices, and everything in between, more and more families just simply “don’t have time” for a meal together. However, this problem actually has a few very simple solutions. They may require communication and planning but in the end, the outcome is sure to be worth it.

As a busy teen myself, I know how hard it is to get your family together for a meal. However, every time I sit down at the table with my family, I am reminded of how grateful I am for the time that I have with them. Next year I’ll be off at college and won’t have the opportunity to see my loved ones every day but dinner time is a great way to take advantage of the time I have with them now. In fact, some of my fondest memories with my family have happened over a dinner table. Many holidays, birthdays, and other celebrations have revolved around getting together to share a nice meal with the ones I love most. But not all of those memories involved a giant turkey and stuffing. Most of them happened over food that I don’t remember on days that I don’t remember. But the moments I spent with my family have stayed with me long after the food was gone.

To me, family dinner time isn’t about the food we eat or the place we eat it at. It’s about the people who are there to enjoy the meal with me, the conversations about how school was that day and the jokes made by my dad that aren’t all that funny but everyone still cracks a smile anyway. With the busy school year starting and the holiday season on its way, I encourage you to make time for family dinners. I promise you won’t regret it.

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